
Hair Transplant for Women

Hair loss is a common problem that affects both sexes. Diet and hormones are primary considerations in diagnosing the cause, but further tests may be required to pinpoint the source of the issue.

Women can also benefit from hair transplantation. Through their hair loss might manifest differently than what is observed in men, the same techniques can still yield desirable results.

Hair loss on women is seen in different ways. With the Ludwig Classification, hair loss on women is classified as follows:

  • Type 1 : As hair loss is low, shedding is barely noticeable. Most shedding occurs at the top and front of the head.
  • Type 2 : A hair transplant can be performed at this stage according to the intensity of the shedding and the size of the affected area.
  • Type 3 : The hair is thin and the areas where shedding occurs can be clearly identified at this stage. The shedding may increase over time and spread to all areas of the head.

In the majority of situations, female patients with hair loss can be ideal candidates for a hair transplant procedure due to having a suitable donor area. Optimal results are guaranteed when overseen by a qualified team of professionals at an adequately-equipped facility.

Is it noticeable that hair transplant was done on a women?

It may take up to two months for those with very light skin color to diminish redness after the hair transplant procedure, while scars from the procedure tend to lose their clarity within a fortnight.

The unshaven hair transplant enables the patient to resume everyday activities the next day.

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